Sunday, June 8, 2014

6/6/2014 Lunch Update

Nothing to Report
Nothing to Report
Trading Commentary:
The IP sector traded up over 1.5% with IDCC and VHC trading very strong
today, with the overall markets also trading very well.
VHC closed up 7% on average volume with a spike this afternoon due to the
denial of the RPX IPRs.
That is about it.
Ticker $CHG %CHG  Volume      Closing 
ACTG  $      0.4100 2.61                229,000  $                         16.09
BCYP.OB  $      0.0031 3.20%                144,500  $                         0.100
CLGL  unch  unch  N/A   $                       0.0210
COPY.OB  $   (0.0050) -1.79%                317,551  $                       0.2750
CRDS  $          0.20 8.40%                640,000  $                            2.58
DSS     unch  unch                  70,400  $                            1.43
EDIG.OB  $      0.0068 16.50%                293,100  $                       0.0480
ENIP  $   (0.0001) -0.25%                  87,000  $                         0.040
EONC  $          0.07 2.89%                177,700  $                            2.49
FNJN.OB  $        (0.47) -10.24%                  43,900  $                            4.12
IDCC  $          0.96 2.09%                564,400  $                         46.96
MARA.OB  $          0.24 2.70%                  26,200  $                            9.14
MGT  $          0.02 1.59%                     7,800  $                            1.27
NTIP  unch  unch                  16,900  $                            1.82
OTIV  unch  unch                128,400  $                            2.42
PCO   $          0.08 5.06%                260,900  $                            1.66
PPRO  unch  unch  N/A   $                            3.20
PRKR  $          0.12 2.47%                528,100  $                            4.98
PTNT  $          0.09 2.87%                     2,800  $                            3.23
RMBS  $          0.35 2.96%                869,400  $                         12.18
SITO.OB  unch  unch                  30,200  $                         0.400
SPEX   $        (0.01) -0.59%            1,746,400  $                            1.68
STRP  $          0.29 3.16%                223,400  $                            9.47
TIVO  $          0.09 0.74%                778,100  $                         12.18
TSRA  $          0.15 0.67%                504,800  $                         22.66
UPIP  $          0.12 5.48%                891,000  $                            2.31
VHC   $          0.34 2.08%                638,500  $                         16.65
VRNG  $          0.10 3.27%            3,111,200  $                            3.16
WDDD.OB  $   (0.0030) -1.58%                182,900  $                       0.1870
WILN   $          0.04 1.31%                  89,100  $                            3.10

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